Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Casino Verite [haiku]

this will be secret
she's the apple of my eye
tenderness afar.

              "dihedral thingy"
               accommodating catch phrase
               footnote astutely.

i’m fighting with you
united nations doping
       - Autumn Crowley

The haiku form is out of character for Ms. Crowley as she tends to craft her work in the style of Language poetry. However, Ms. Crowley decided to create something out of her element (form-wise) for our site, while retaining her normal polemics tendencies. Ms. Crowley is a Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University, Arts Media and English Department where her teaching and research interests intersect old media studies, overly critical spatial practice and the implications of ancient technologies for redefinitions of modern space. Her latest book is called Analog Grin and is available from Eroticism Cordially, Ltd.


Blogger MaGreen said...

This site is fabulous. I didn't realize what a large world there was for this sort of writing. I have a few found poems I wrote in the midst of taking notes fo lectures in graduate school. It is so satisfying to write, and such a pleasure when it turns out well.

And I love the poem you posted on our site.

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for stopping by and reading. Spam poetry is a labour of love for me and it warms my little dark heart when others enjoy it too!!!

8:17 PM  

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