Monday, March 12, 2007

Resplendent Anomaly of Tits

To hinder your private Texas,
torment obscurity back
before prosecutor guidance championed writing gymnastics.

Now’s the time! Did he ask you last night?
Need something from the syndication playroom that
gets deceptively rededicated?

Think this is it...

Minnesota’s awesome anti aging cream
as free bygone nocturnal longtime makeup.

Olympics dishonesty misguided still-famous guest,
busing versatility beating joke
at unkind devotee
                     of emergency
                     lotto tickets from 50 countries around the world.
       - Emmeline Ulrikaumeko

The entire surviving family of Ms. Emmeline Ulrikaumeko (1852-1900) emigrated from Estonia during the Great Northern War in order to escape certain death by the Saxons. Ms. Ulrikaumeko (original family name was Ullriikaaumekoo but shortened when they emigrated) was part of the first group of women to attend and graduate from Cornell University in 1871. She achieved degrees in literature and science and went on to ghostwrite for several noted European history authors. In her spare time, Ms. Ulrikaumeko created poetry about her perceptions of places she had never been and people she had never met. Fans and critics alike often confused Ms. Ulrikaumeko’s sense of fiction for fact and thus, she received a fair amount of hash criticism, which she smoked in copious amounts. During one of her reading circuits, she befriended Arthur Farwell and encouraged his pursuit of publishing the works of American Indian composers through the foundation of the Wa-Wan Press, which ultimately opened its doors in 1901.


Blogger R said...

Interesting blog Morton!

I had a similar but much less inspired 'poem from spam subject lines' attempt here:

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi R. Thanks for the compliment! Your site is very clever.

12:27 PM  

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